Laoch: Defy the Odds
Special Audio Provided
Hailing from Drogheda, Ireland’s only powerlifter with dwarfism, Thomas “Tommy” McCague proves that strength comes in many forms. Dwarfism is a rare condition and Laoch offers a look at Tommy’s daily life as he begins a quest for transformation battling depression, major illness and obesity. The film follows Tommy to Limerick and Manchester, where he competes against average-statured lifters. In Germany, he competes in the 2023 World Dwarf Games with other LP athletes. shattering societal expectations and breaking world records. A true celebration of courage, perseverance and living your best life. Special guests Tommy McCague and director Stephan Mazurek.
Stephan Mazurek Producer(s):
Stephan Mazurek, Liz Sung, Sarada DuvvuriWriter(s):
Stephan Mazurek Cast:
Thomas McCague